Like everyone in our industry, we have had a tricky few months, but thankfully we have come out the other side in better shape than ever before. If you follow us on social media you will have seen that we used the lockdown to install a brand new brew plant which is something we have been wanting to do since our move to Coxhorne Farm. The closure of pubs gave us the time to do this and the resulting changes in the beer have been fantastic so far.


We have always been known for our classic English Ales and we are still making the old favourites, Pale through to Four Kings (now called our Heritage Range). These have seen a bit of a refresh but no major changes to both the branding and the recipes, but we are now also launching a new range. The Cotswold Range sees the next generation of the family taking the reigns (more known for their work as Sibling Distillery) - these lagers and IPAs are high quality, modern craft beers which will be arriving in cans and mini kegs in the coming week which is hugely exciting for us all!


Keep an eye out for the new beers as they drop, it's sure to be an exciting year...